From van life to apartment life: finding balance

living in a van was an adventure filled with freedom, simplicity, and a deep connection with the outdoors. it’s been one of the best decisions we’ve ever made & I don’t regret anything about our time in the van. I truly love the van so much — I mean i’m getting it tattooed on my arm forever soooo… yeah I loved it.

However, as life is a constant ebb and flow, our long term dreams, desire to be close to family, & a few other circumstances led us back to the familiarity of apartment living until we’re ready to purchase land & build our tiny home in the mountains.

In this transition, I've discovered invaluable lessons about minimalism, the joy of outdoor activities, the simplicity of wholesome meals, and the importance of daily routines.

Lessons in Minimalism

Living in a camper van necessitates a minimalist lifestyle. Every item has its place, and unnecessary belongings become burdensome. Returning to an apartment, I've carried this mindset with me, understanding the value of intentional living. The freedom found in owning fewer possessions is liberating, allowing for more meaningful experiences and a clearer focus on what truly matters.

Embracing Outdoor Activities

van living forces you to be outside & I was constantly surrounded by the beauty of nature, and I learned to appreciate the simplicity of outdoor activities. Whether it was waking up to the sound of birds chirping or enjoying a sunset by the ocean, these moments became an integral part of my daily life. Returning to an apartment, I've carried this love for the outdoors with me, incorporating walks, hikes, and outdoor exercises into my daily routine for a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. something so simple like hearing birds chirp while washing dishes bring me back to the realization that we can easily live intimately with the outdoors.

Cooking Easy Meals from Whole Foods

In the confined space of a camper van, preparing meals had to be simple, using whole foods that required minimal storage and preparation. This practice has translated seamlessly into apartment living, emphasizing the importance of nourishing my body with wholesome ingredients. Cooking has become a mindful and enjoyable experience. I also used to hate hand washing dishes but looking outside to a pretty view made up for it now its just a practice i’ve come to adopt and really enjoy whether I get to look at a pretty view or not.

Importance of Daily Routines

The structure of daily routines became my anchor during van life, providing a sense of stability amidst the ever-changing scenery. As I transitioned back to apartment living, I carried this lesson with me. Establishing and maintaining a daily routine has been crucial for my mental well-being, helping me navigate the demands of everyday life while ensuring I prioritize self-care and personal growth.

The journey from living in a van to returning to an apartment has been a transformative experience, filled with lessons that continue to shape my perspective on life. Minimalism, outdoor activities, cooking with whole foods, and maintaining daily routines have become guiding principles, offering a roadmap to a more intentional, balanced, and fulfilling lifestyle. In this dance between simplicity and routine, I've discovered the harmonious balance that lies at the intersection of mindful living and embracing the opportunities that each moment presents. As I continue to navigate this journey, I'm grateful for the wisdom gained from both the open road and the comfort of a stationary home.


the journey of opening our wellness & yoga studio