“thanks, I thrifted it!” with Jane stinson the thrifting queen

Hey, I’m Jane! I currently reside in Johnson City, TN, with my husband & two cats. I officially launched Honeymoon Thrift Co., an online thrifting business and community, in October of 2019. With ethics, sustainability, and accessibility at the top of my priorities, I learned how to take what was once a necessity and reclaim it as my passion project. What started as a few trips to vintage shops in Nashville, tn and brainstorming on my roommate’s bedroom floor has grown into weekly collections of vintage goods, in-person markets and pop-ups, and a whole community of second-hand lovers.

I have been second-hand shopping with my mom since I was a child. Back then, it was largely out of necessity. It wasn’t cool or trendy to thrift your school clothes or dishes. But as I grew up, I learned to absolutely love those afternoon trips to Goodwill. There was something so special about treasure hunting and finding the perfect sweater and getting ice cream with my mom after a satisfying drive to four different stores in one afternoon. Then, I would go thrifting with my friends in high school for costumes and vintage bathing suits and funny mugs we would bring to our future dorm rooms. When I moved away for college, thrifting became a piece of home I could take with me.

In the summer of 2019, I returned home to Nashville between semesters. On a warm July day, my friend brought me to a vintage shop downtown. I remember taking only a few steps inside and thinking to myself I could do this. Each room was themed– one pink with lace nightgowns and vintage wigs on mannequins and dainty silk gloves. One with biker tees and leather jackets and vinyls from the ‘80s. One with quirky mid-century furniture and pin-up posters and teal rugs. My soul was longing to create something like this. I couldn’t shake the dream that was born that day.

Every casual thrift trip since then turned into me finding pieces that I could curate into my own shop. I collected pieces slowly, wondering if anyone else would be as in love with these vintage treasures as I was. I brainstormed names with my roommates and researched shipping supplies. Scrolling on Pinterest one day, I stumbled upon a beautiful art piece titled “The Honeymoon” and it was as if my inspiration just jumped out at me! The name Honeymoon Thrift Co. was permanent from there on out.

When I first began, I didn’t know anything about building an online business. I was constantly brainstorming and reevaluating my methods and style. I was clumsy and made many missteps, but they allowed me to learn and adapt and correct my path.

What I have realized is most important for anything in life, but especially in this business, is the “why.” For me, it is crucial to prioritize ethics and sustainability. This looks like giving back to the thrift stores in my community and not sourcing in excess or for essentials in communities that rely on thrift stores for their low prices and accessibility. This also looks like making sure that my business is inclusive of people of different sizes and identities. This also includes fair pricing, doing my research, not undervaluing my work, and knowing my community.

Community, I have come to learn, has been the most rewarding part of this journey. I

have had the privilege of bringing my business offline by vending at various markets and pop-ups. I love getting to see the faces behind usernames and making genuine connections with others who share my same passions for vintage and thrifted goods. Hearing your stories about how your grandmother had this exact set of drinking glasses, or your mom used to collect that pattern when you were younger, or how you’ve followed my shop for a while now and finally get to see the items in person– it brings me back to the joy of what I do. Collecting and curating special finds for real homes and real wardrobes. It means something to the people who shop from me, and that keeps me connected to how valuable this business is for me and my community.

Lastly, I think it is so incredibly important to keep dreaming and making your work FUN! Thrifting, to me, is about joy. It is finding mushroom shaped salt and pepper shakers, the same gorgeous wicker shelf five separate times, matching mugs from the ‘80s, a floral buttoned dress that reminds me of my grandmother, and connecting with all of you over and over again. My dreams for the future are open-ended and hopeful. They definitely include continuing in-person markets, widening my community, sourcing curated decor for other local businesses, and hopefully finding a more permanent in-person home for my collection of vintage goods.

So, ya wanna check out Honeymoon Thrift Co.?! You can find me over at @honeymoonthriftco on Instagram. I do weekly releases of vintage home goods & clothing, occasional story sales, and my DMs are always open! My favorite finds are cozy vintage knits, unique glassware, framed artwork, and ‘60s-‘70s inspired wicker pieces– what are yours?


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