setting intentions | February 2023

Happy February! It’s a new month & that means it’s time to set new intentions for our yoga practice! To set intentions for your February yoga practice, consider the following steps:

01. Reflect on what you want to achieve from your practice, such as physical or mental benefits.

Some examples could be: feeling less stressed in your day to day routines or  creating more flexibility in your hips! Listen to your body, what does it need this month?

02. Write down your intentions in a clear and concise manner.

We’re much more likely to remember things when we write them down with pen & paper so be sure you write down your intentions for the month!

03. Incorporate your intentions into your daily yoga practice, perhaps by reciting them before each session.

Keeping your intentions top of mind will help you remember them, bringing them to the forefront of your mind each time you roll out your mat can enhance the experience of your yoga practice.

04. Revisit your intentions regularly to assess your progress and make any necessary adjustments.

If the intentions you set at the beginning of the month, aren’t meshing with you, consider adjusting them! It’s your practice so there’s not right or wrong way of doing things!

05. Practice mindfulness and self-awareness to stay focused on your goals.

Staying focused on your goals can be a challenge if you’re not staying present. Practicing self-awareness & mindfulness can help you stay grounded + keep you focused on what you want to achieve on & off the mat.

Above all, remember, the purpose of setting intentions is to create a deeper connection to your practice and achieve your personal goals. I’d love to know what you intentions are for the month ahead if you feel comfortable sharing them, post them in the comments below!




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