how to create a customer journey in 4 simple steps

A customer journey is one of the best things you can build early on in your business. Studies have proven again & again that your customer experience has a massive impact on your overall sales, engagement, & business So today I want to walk you through how to create a customer journey for your business:

how to create your customer journey in 4 simple steps

01. Identify customer segments.

Start by dividing customers into different segments based on their demographics, behaviors, and goals. If you need help with this step, take my target market mini course. In the course, I walk you through this process step by step for your own business which is essential to building a long term business. If you don’t have customers, you don’t have a business - you have a hobby.

02. Map customer touch points.

Next, list out all of the ways customers interact with your company, from first learning about your product to making a purchase and beyond. This could be social media outreach, email marketing campaigns, in-person activation events, your lead magnets, your website, your offers, & more.

03. Determine customer emotions.

At each touch point, think about how customers are feeling. Determine what their motivations and pain points are. Your customers are always feeling something & the more intune you are with what they’re feeling & why the better you’ll be able to serve them.

04. Optimize the journey.

Finally, use all this information that you’ve gathered to optimize each touch point, making changes where necessary to improve the customer experience and drive desired outcomes.

At minimum, make sure you analyzing your customer’s journey each quarter for the best results. Don’t be afraid to ask them for their feedback, too. If you’re looking for one-on-one support while you craft your customer journey, reserve a coaching session with me for customized feedback. A simple hour-long coaching session will give you the clarity & insights you need to move forward confidently as you go above & beyond serving your customers.

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