how to overcome self-editing | 4 steps

Self-editing is essentially when you edit yourself for the sake of someone or something else. For a lot of us, it can be second nature to self-edit, but it doesn’t have to be.

Here are 4 ways to overcome self-editing:

01. Practice mindfulness.

Pay attention to the present moment and release thoughts about the past or future.

02. Set aside time for creative expression.

Dedicate a specific time and space for writing or other creative activities.

03. Embrace the creative process.

Focus on your own journey.

04. Seek support.

Join a group of like minded people or call a trusted friend for encouragement.

It's normal to feel self-doubt when it comes to authentic expression, but self-editing can stifle your creativity and limit your potential. By embracing the creative process, seeking support, and practicing mindfulness, you can overcome self-editing and unleash your full potential.




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